Fire Stopping & Penetration Sealing
Penetration sealing systems are a fundamental requirement of the fire safety design in buildings. Often a neglected part of the building’s fire protection and installed by non-specialists they are nevertheless vital in maintaining compartmentation and preventing the spread of fire and smoke. Building Regulations Approved Documents and LPCB Design Guide recognise that the quality of the installation of fire stopping and penetration sealing is crucial to the performance of any fire stop seal.
These systems provide cost-effective solutions and compliance with current legislation. Effective penetration sealing prevents the passage of smoke, toxic gasses and fire through gaps around services in walls, partitions and floors as well as enhancing acoustic performance and air sealing properties.
Fire Barriers
Fire barriers systems are slabs of high-density rock wool with a white endothermic, ablative coating designed to stop the spread of fire through openings in fire resistant walls or floors. Fire barriers provide an enhanced acoustic performance and up to 240 minutes fire protection.
Fire Compounds
Fire compound systems are gypsum based with thermal and acoustic properties, which provide a fire seal around service penetrations in walls and floors. Fire compound systems are particularly designed for use where a loading of the penetration is applicable, such as service risers and plant room floors. Fire compounds are quick setting to provide a smoke seal offering up to 240 minutes fire resistance.